Michal Ben Anat | the Train Theater

Michal Ben Anat

Paper constructor and designer of giant puppets for parades
Sculptor of miniatures
Teacher of mechanics and theater


  • Blacksmithing with Nubia Yamaguchi
  • Course in directing and theater teaching at the Kibbutz College of Education
  • Stage design courses at the Kibbutz College of Education
  • Participated in the Greenhouse course at the Train Theater
  • Industrial design with Oded Davidovich

Current employment

  • Teacher of sculpture mechanics and theater at The Center for Talented Youth
  • Sculptor of miniatures for television, stage designers and architects
  • Designer of giant puppets for the annual Purim festival parades (Adloyada) in Holon and Ra’anana
  • Creator and co-producer of the “Night Tours” performances (together with Goni Paz)

Personal statements

Moving between different arts, one can get into comical situations and get tangled in the wires.

Some questions:

What the heck do mechanics have in common with theater?
How can a puppet be simultaneously both three-dimensional and two- dimensional?
What’s bigger, a miniature or a giant puppet?
But most of all, I love to devote myself to untying knots in my laces.

מופעים בהשתתפותו/ה