Moran Aviv-Dvir | the Train Theater

Moran Aviv-Dvir

Interdisciplinary Artist

Creator in puppet theater, specializing in object and performance. Roles in interdisciplinary artistic projects include initiator, artistic director and producer.


  • 2008 - 2011 ― The School of Visual Theater, Jerusalem 
  • 2008 - 2011 ― David Yellin College of Education, Jerusalem – Honors Bachelor’s degree in Education, Teaching Certificate
  • 2011 - 2012 ― Graduate of The Greenhouse, The Train Theater

Performances at the Train Theater

  • “Father Moon” ― adult object theater. Pandora, 2015.
  • “Story Bird” ― puppet and object theater for the whole family. The International Festival of Puppet Theater. Jerusalem, 2014.
  • “Dunes” ― stage autobiography for two. Pandora premiere, 2015. Tmunah Theatre lecture, Tel Aviv.
  • “Dedications” ― performance together with the audience, inspired by book dedications. The Voice of the Word Festival, Hazira – Performance Art Arena, Jerusalem.
  • “The Beautiful Land of Israel?” ― Taklitim Theater. Pandora, 2013.
  • “Aisha” ― hand-crafted object and performance theater. Merkaz HaBama (Center Stage). Jerusalem, 2012.
  • “Outlines” ― object theater in layers. Final project for the Visual Theater School, Jerusalem, 2011. Opened and ran at the Tmunah Theater, Tel Aviv, 2012-2013.
  • “Pile Up” ― minimalistic object theater, Jerusalem, 2010.

Artistic Management, Curatorship and Production

  • 2016-2017 Pandora Collective – platform for puppet and object theater. Part of the artistic management and production team for the collective’s events. Curator and director of themed evening events within the collective’s framework.
  • 7 Proposals for Dissolving Borders ― a theatrical travelogue-documentary, from reality to altered consciousness. Culture Season, 2011-2016.
  • Treasures – artistic accompaniment for a series of multi-disciplinary artistic events in a variety of spaces from the New Spirit Organization, Jerusalem.
  • Night Library – curator and producer of multi-disciplinary art events at the Bet Ha’am Library in Jerusalem. The Multi-Disciplinary Arena, 2015-16.

Multi-Disciplinary Projects

  • Katmona – library and artistic gallery in the public realm: initiator, producer and curator. Jerusalem, 2016.
  • Forging Links – dialogue through art. A collaboration between the Shekel Association and the Bezalel Art Academy. Project manager, guide for the artistic process, curator of the Graduate Exhibition. Jerusalem, 2013.
  • Convoy-Publishing-Library – mobile library and publisher. Jerusalem, 2013.
  • Empty House (Bayit Rek) ― partner in the multi-disciplinary art project. Initiator and curator of two spaces to wander through: the Library and the Laundry. Jerusalem, 2012.
  • Mapping Memory and Forgetfulness ― an installation on tables at the Tamnuah Theater Bar. Intimadance Festival, 2013.
  • Family Portrait – an installation within the framework of the Acre Festival, 2010.

Personal Statement

I love to wander the streets and in my mind and discover treasures by the wayside and deep in my heart.

I am always curious to discover where the creativity within me interacts with the audience, which in turn recharges and nurtures it anew. Playing different roles and wandering among the worlds of creativity, art, education, community, social initiatives, I feel emotional when these different worlds succeed in coming together to enrich one another.

I promised myself to create a show for children before I brought my own child into this world. I wanted to write and create for children shortly before my point of reference expanded to encompass that of a mother. In this manner, “Bird Story” was conceived, followed by the birth of my sweet Gefen.

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