A unique meeting between an illustrated story and a told one.
Amalia (illustration) and Naomi (story-telling) are two sisters, who are going back to their favorite childhood legend, creating for you an opportunity to peep into the world of Sleeping Beauty.
The show is dedicated to sister Edna, a true fairy.
The show won the award of "Show of the Year" 2010, of the Pinkas Website
From reviews
Rose-Bud is a magic of one-woman-show, based on "Sleeping Beauty"… Despite the fact that this is a show with not much "action" in it, the children were fascinated, collaborated enthusiastically, and were very happy to get at the end of the show little pink candies from the wedding of the prince and the princess…
Efrat Lev, Kinderland Website
I think "Rose-Bud" is one of the most wonderful, exciting and moving shows I've watched this year… Just a fabulous show. It is designated for children, who really loved the show and even participated and went on stage; But as any good show for children, it also approaches the adults in the audience and speaks to us on things that are of interest to us. As such an adult, while watching Naomi Yoeli telling us the story that once was told to her and her sisters by her tired father, I felt I was a child again; A child sitting in the dark, hearing for the thousandth time the story of "Sleeping Beauty", willing to hear it and be moved by it again and again. Because in Yoeli's version, she succeeds to surprise us, cause us to laugh, fascinate us and even makes our eyes water a bit, making us little girls again…
The Pinkas Website, Stav Palti-Negev
Articipation in festivals
- International Festival of Puppet Theater, Jerusalem
- International Festival of Puppet Theater, Holon
Adaptation, direction, and story-telling: Naomi Yoeli
Design and illustration:
Amalia Hoffman
Book production and print:
Art Plus
Music and vocal guidance:
Mika Dani
Custom and props design:
Einat Amir
Third eye and song of Rose-Bud: Marit Benisrael
Story-teller's chair design: Nathalia Rosenthal
Haim Gross, Yehudit Hillel – Art Plus team, Michal Porat, Miri Pe'eri, Galia Levy-Grad, Alina Ashbel, Dalia Maayan, Lesli Granot