Smee the Pirate sails in his bath, with his beloved ducklings. One day, he receives a call from the International Union of Pirates, informing him that in order to receive a pirate certificate, he must begin behaving like one. Smee tries, but it turns out to be much more difficult than he thought.
A funny and moving show that makes surprising use of the most familiar of all settings – the bathroom.
The play takes the audience on a suspenseful and imaginative adventure.
From the reviews
The Train Theater brought to the stage a superbly designed set for a show that was entertaining, moving, well produced and extremely well received... The children and their parents enjoyed themselves and enthusiastically requested that we invite the Train Theater to other events.
We are pleased to be able to work with such a delightful, quality theater and eagerly look forward to inviting them to appear at future events.
Netta Dovrin, Director, Bet Yad Lebanim, Haifa
A sweet play, full of humor, created by the duo Tzipor Frumkin and Miryam Salzberg.
Shai Bar-Yaakov, Yediot Aharonot
The show profiles the soft, decent, peace-loving sides of our personalities hidden in even the toughest characters among us. It’s well crafted, funny, moral and thought-provoking. The plot moves forward by means of surprising changes of scenery, the metaphoric use of objects and Miryam Salzberg’s first-rate, touching performance.
Michael Cohen Sadikeler, Director of Informal Education, Brenner Regional Council
Participation in festivals
- The Magic of Fairy Tales Festival, Suzanne Dellal Center, Tel Aviv
- International Festival of Puppet Theater, Jerusalem
- International Festival of Puppet Theater and Film, Holon
- Haifa International Festival of Children's Theater
Direction: Tzipor Frumkin
Acting, Puppetry, and Design: Miryam Salzberg
Puppetry: Tamar Golomb
Artistic Consultant:
Marit Ben-Israel
Music: Asaf Matityhu
Lighting: Shahar Marom
Planning and Construction:
Mario Kaizman
Costumes and Crocodile Puppet Design: Natalia Rosenthal
Production: The Train Theater