Marit Benisrael

Professional experience and interests
- writer, researcher of culture and interdisciplinary artist
- disciple of Joseph Hirsh, a founder of the School of Visual Theater
- a founder of the Gan Lewinski Library for labor migrants and refugees
- artistic director of the Artists' Incubator and the residency program of the Train Theater
- teacher and performer in Israel and abroad
- author of the blog, “The City of Happiness,” about interdisciplinary art and legends
Creative productions
- Shows for adults: “The Match Seller,” “Requiem,” “A Prince In Three Parts: A Theatrical Statue,” “Ho, If,” “In the Footsteps of Agnon”
- Movies: “The Facial Dance of Eve,” “Blue with a Tail” (in collaboration with the composer Eitan Steinberg)
- Over the past 10 years, she has focused on writing and on artistic direction. She has directed all of the shows of Naomi Yoeli for children and for adults.
- Train Theater shows under her direction include “The Hoopoe Legend,” “Pirate in the Bath,” “Kav. Nekoodah!” “Tailor Made,” “A Sick Day for Morris McGee,” “The Gift Train,” and others.
- Many shows directed by Ben Israel have won awards in Israel and abroad. These include “The Cube Circus,” a Train Theater production she directed in collaboration with Galia Levy Grad, which won the award for Interdisciplinary Show of the Year in the Children’s Show Competition of 2012, the Best Performance Award at the International Festival of Puppet Shows in Slovakia, 2010, and the Best Performance Award at the Red Festival in Moscow, 2014. In addition, “Yoel Says,” a Train Theater production she directed, won four major awards at the Haifa Festival, 2014, including the Director’s Award and the Show Award, as well as the Children’s Show of the Year Award at the 2015 Stage Awards Ceremony.
Reference books on interdisciplinary art
- Stories Can Rescue, in collaboration with Roni Mosenson Nelken, Carmel Publications, 2009.
- The Heart of the Puppet: The New Art of Puppetry.
- When David Grossman Met Vito Acconi.
- The Book of Intimate Grammar, Kav Adom Omanut, Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2019.
- The Voice of the Word: Selected Articles On Poetry Performance. (Editor).
- Babylon Publications and the Interdisciplinary Scene, 2004. Kav Adom Omanut, Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2019.
- The Internal, Babel Interdisciplinary Arena, 2004.
- Let Down Your Braids, Sifria L’am of Am Oved, 1966. Winner of the Wiener Award For New Literature.
- Still Life, a contemporary fiction book series. Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2005.
- Daughters of the Dragon, Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2007.
In addition, Ben Israel writes for “History, Theory and Protocols,” the online periodical of Bezalel, and has published articles in various forums such as the periodicals, Orot and Makaf, and the anthology, With Both Feet in the Clouds, edited by Hagar Yanai and Dr. Daniela Gurevitz.
For Marit Ben Israel’s blog, “The City of Happiness,” please click here.
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